Begin Your Acupuncture Journey Today!

We’re here to help you help others.

Why Acupuncture?

Acupuncture Works!

Developed and refined over millennia, and subjected to numerous, rigorous, modern clinical studies, acupuncture along with ancient herbal remedies, have been proven remarkably effective in treating a wide variety of ailments, ranging from pain management to infertility or even neuropathy.

Acupuncture Lives!

As simply one element of the comprehensive, holistic approach to life embodied in Traditional Chinese Medicine and philosophy, Acupuncture combines with other powerful modalities and proven practices to yield tangible benefits to both practitioner and patient who choose the way of the ancients.

Acupuncture Pays!

An experienced, reputable, licensed Acupuncture practitioner in solo practice may earn as much as $500/hour, or more, for health services often covered by medical insurance or government programs. Beyond that, non-monetary benefits abound in the satisfaction born of leading others towards lasting wellness.

The WellPath Difference


That works for you

You’re busy. We get it. The WellPath master degree programs are designed to fit the contours of Your life. Three elements make up the curriculum: weekend intensives, asynchronous course work, and clinical training. Only the intensives, which occur twice a month, follow a set schedule. Everything else is fluid enough to mold to your work, family, and travel plans and commitments.


Closer to home

Until now, aspiring Utah acupuncturists had to travel out of state to pursue their dreams. That all changed when WellPath opened its doors in 2024. WellPath aims to become Utah’s first accredited Traditional Chinese Medicine School, bringing training in the ancient healing arts a whole lot closer to home.


A True Master

At WellPath we strive to incorporate into your learning experience not only the points and methods of acupuncture, but the underlying philosophy and energetics as well. Our goal is for every WellPath student to emerge from our degree programs well along the path to ultimately becoming a true Master, in every sense of the word.

Shall we begin?


Value and affordability

WellPath works hard to keep the tuition charged, for educational value delivered, balanced in your favor. We’re confident that you won’t find a better value proposition for the base tuition, which we’re happy to discount further for qualified transfer credits from other institutions.